Great Commission Team

Equipping young adults in every area of life to live out the Great Commission

Great Commission Team is an 11 week long summer discipleship intensive through Parkwood Baptist Church for college students ages 18-22. It involves an international exposure trip, training in leadership, evangelism, and discipleship, theological teaching, hands-on learning about the local church, and extensive personal development. The purpose of GCT is to train young adults on how to live out the great commission in every area of life and discern God’s calling on their lives.


Lily Bailey

Lily is a student at Appalachian State University. She intends on pursuing a career in music, and is doing GCT to explore how her skills might be used in a missional context.

Liberty Chalker

Liberty Chalker is transferring from CPCC to Appalachian State University in the fall. She is doing GCT because she wants to grow missionally and learn to serve the Lord more intentionally.

Parker Curell

Parker Curell is a high school graduate who works in landscaping. He’s excited to see where the Lord leads him this summer through GCT and to be equipped to serve Him more.

Paigelan Freeman

Paigelan Freeman is a student at East Tennessee State University studying to be a dental hygienist. She intends to use the summer to leverage her free time to grow as a Christian and serve the Lord while growing within a strong Christian community.

Noah Gosnell

Noah Gosnell is a student at Gaston College and works at Southeastern Freight Lines. He is excited to do GCT to grow in his faith and to learn to be a faithful witness in the workplace.

Cameron Johnson

Cameron Johnson currently serves on the maintenance team at Parkwood. He intends to do GCT to grow in fellowship with other like-minded believers and prepare to serve the Lord in the future.

Hannah Loftin

Hannah Loftin is a math education and school administration major at North Carolina State University. She looks forward to learning how to use her skills as an educator to serve the Lord in foreign and domestic contexts.

Levi Philbeck

Levi Philbeck is a Gaston College student and is excited to do GCT to grow in his walk with Christ and learn to better serve Him in Gastonia and beyond.

Karson Sloop

Karson Sloop is a nursing student at Belmont Abbey College. She is excited for the opportunity to do GCT and learn more about how to honor the Lord with her trade as a nurse. She looks forward to learning about how the Christian faith intersects with all parts of life.

Ava Stratman

Ava Stratman is a student at Gardner Webb University. She is excited to participate in GCT to learn more about the Lord and how to serve Him wherever He calls – overseas, at a church plant, or in the workplace

Matt Taylor

Matt Taylor is a freshman at Gaston College, and is doing GCT because he wants to grow his skills in evangelism and discipleship. He is a member of the youth worship team and wants to continue to serve the Lord in the workplace.

Abby Turlington

Abby Turlington is intending on pursuing a path in the medical field – either as a pharmacist or as a PA. She looks forward to GCT as a time to grow in her own faith alongside other faithful believers, and wants to become more dependent on the Lord for her future decisions.

Anika Vercauteren

Anika will be a senior at Anderson University in the fall  where she is Pre-Med. She is a cancer research scholar and has plans to go to medical school after she graduates with hopes of being an OB/GYN. She is pursuing a call to medical missions and wishes to be a long term medical missionary to serve women with limited medical care and limited access to the gospel.  Anika is excited to explore how to use her future career in medicine on the mission field through GCT.

Trevor Williams

Trevor Williams is a student at Gaston College and a licensed real estate agent. He is pursuing GCT as an opportunity to understand his own calling and explore the possibility of pursuing the mission field.

“To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:12 (ESV)

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