Evangelism Equip
Ways to equip yourself for Gospel conversations
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV)
How do I get into a Gospel conversation?
Common interests
This is small talk, the things we can discuss with any stranger. You may hang out in this circle for 5 minutes or up to 5 months.
Values, fears, needs
People begin to share personal details – family details, tragedies, what’s holding them back, and so on.
We can share spiritual things here, discussing church, community, and so on.
An ultimate statement is made – this is most important/ this means everything to me/ etc.
This is where we share the Gospel.
You may move deftly from one circle to another, enter one and then be kicked back out to a more surface level, or you may live in one circle for an extended period of time.

What do I share?
This Bible explains that God created everything including us. He has the right to tell us how to live. Sin is the rejection of God’s authority over us. God is loving, and He is righteous. He will not ignore sin and leave the guilty unpunished.
We rejected God and are guilty of sin. Sin has corrupted every part of our human existence. Our entire being is under sin’s power. The penalty of sin is both physical and spiritual death. Our final destiny is eternal active judgement in hell.
Jesus is fully God and man. He came to die on the cross as a substitute for His people to pay sin’s penalty. Jesus rose from the dead, assuring us that God’s wrath is satisfied. Sinners can be freed from sin’s power and reconciled with God.
We must turn away from our sin and trust in Jesus and nothing else to save us from sin and the coming judgement. When we repent and believe in Jesus, all our sin placed on Jesus, and the perfect life Jesus lived is credited to us.