NOVEMBER 10-17, 2024
What is Global Impact?
Global Impact is a week long celebration of God’s work among the nations.
Each Global Impact, we come together as a church to connect with workers, hear their stories, pray with them, and learn our place within the Great Commission.
There will also be opportunities for workers to attend your growth group as well as speaking at AWANA, middle school ministry, high school ministry, and College Collective.

Sunday Morning – November 10 & 17
Glorify God:
He is Worthy of Praise of All Nations
Join us Sunday morning at 8, 9:30, and 11am as we worship the Lord and praise him for revealing himself to us, our neighbors, and the nations.

Wednesday Night – November 13
Worker Stories:
Learning from Those who have Answered the Call of the Great Commission
Compelling and winsome stories from these workers about God’s calling, provision, and faithfulness will certainly move us toward worship and the Great Commission.

Friday Night – November 15
Night of Prayer:
Interceding for the Fulfillment of the Great Commission
Hear real life stories straight from our partners overseas about the work being done to engage the unreached with the gospel. Pray for God to make his name known and glorified among the unreached. Pray for more workers. And ask God where your place is within the Great Commission.

Saturday Morning – November 16
Faith in Action:
Finding Our Place in the Great Commission
How can I be involved in the mission of God? Join us Saturday morning at 8:30am for breakfast and then breakout sessions with workers all focused on how you can put your faith into action. We will conclude with lunch.

Parkwood’s Focus In Central Asia
Back in 2013, our Lead Pastor took a trip to Central Asia (CA) while serving as a trustee for the International Mission Board, and that’s where Parkwood’s interest in the region really kicked off. It wasn’t just a casual visit – it sparked crucial conversations and opened our eyes to the fact that every people group in CA is unreached (less than 2% evangelical) with the gospel.
So, as you can imagine, that got us thinking. We saw common ground and shared values with the leaders in CA, and as Parkwood stepped up to support and work alongside these dedicated workers, trust naturally began to build. We didn’t want just to dip our toes in the water; we were convinced that a more focused approach would make us more effective. Thus, a solid strategy was developed, and CA became Parkwood’s primary focus as we sought to reach the unreached.
Fast forward to today, after much prayer and seeking the Lord’s guidance, we’ve honed in even further. Now we’re pouring our efforts into working specifically among three distinct people groups: the peoples of the North Caucasus, the Kurds, and the Uyghurs. It’s a big task, and we’re praying for the diligence and perseverance to see it through. Further, we want everyone at Parkwood to be part of this journey as “we seek to be fellow workers for the truth” (3 John 8).
How Can I Be a Global Disciple-Maker?
Attend a Global Equip
This 4-week introduction to missions is designed for all members of the church, though it is most beneficial for those going or considering going on a Global Trip. Across these four weeks, you will learn shared language, steps of the missionary task, and be prepared for short-term, mid-term, and long-term going.
Go on an Exposure Trip
Exposure trips are ideal for anyone who has never been on a mission trip with Parkwood. You will not only observe and discuss lostness in North America, but you will also learn essential cross-cultural and evangelistic skills through hands-on ministry.
Short-Term Trip
These trips include sending short-term mission teams for 1-2 weeks. The primary purpose of short-term mission trips would be to engage the lost in partnership with a global partner and equip the local church through biblical, theological, and practical ministry training.
Say Hello
Meet the Global Team
Andrew Brafford
Global Disciple-Making Pastor
Email Andrew
Kathy Vensk
Global Associate
Email Kathy