Global Impact Schedule

*Childcare provided for each event


Sunday, November 10 & 17

Glorify God:

He is Worthy of Praise of All Nations

Worship the Lord and praise him for revealing himself to us, our neighbors, and the nations with us at 8, 9:30, & 11am in the Worship Center.



Wednesday, November 13

Worker Stories:

Learning from Those who have Answered the Call of the Great Commission

Compelling and winsome stories from these workers about God’s calling, provision, and faithfulness will certainly move us toward worship and the Great Commission.

6:30-7:30pm in the Worship Center, refreshments and time to meet the workers to follow.



Friday, November 15

Night of Prayer:

Interceding for the Fulfillment of the Great Commission

Hear real life stories straight from our partners overseas about the work being done to engage the unreached with the gospel. Pray for God to make his name known and glorified among the unreached. Pray for more workers. And ask God where your place is within the Great Commission.

This time of prayer begins at 6:30pm; dessert will follow and should conclude around 8pm.



Saturday, November 16

Faith in Action:

Finding Our Place in the Great Commission

How can I be involved in the mission of God?

Breakout sessions include:

  • Central Asia Needs Teachers
  • What Is a Missionary and Why Should Someone Go?
  • Using Any Skill on the Field
  • How to Help a Church Plant in the US
  • Discipling the Next Generation on the Field
  • Current Issues on the Field in Central Asia
  • Reaching Our Muslim Neighbors Next Door
  • Getting Started

Join us Saturday morning at 8:30am for breakfast and then breakout sessions with workers all focused on how you can put your faith into action. We will conclude with lunch.